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Gold Refund

Its super simple to get value from your old gold

Bring in the old gold that you have no use for.

Our team will make an initial assessment regarding the gold's carat and weight - and accordingly will estimate it's value.

If the jewelry is set, and you want to use the existing stones for a new design - we can release the stones and re-design with them. Visit our custom heirloom design page for further information.

We will assess your gold value, and grant you store credit in return.

If your pieces are solid gold, the credit will be made immediately, according to the daily rate.

If it is a piece of jewelry with inlays, we will disassemble the stones that are inlaid, and then value the gold separately.

Choose your YAMA.

While visiting our store you will have a variety of jewelry at your disposal that can be purchased in exchange.

The deal pays off

Bottom line - you will leave the store with a piece of YAMA, which you paid for with the old gold that you haven't touched for many years.